EHA主席专访丨Antonio Almeida教授:携手共进,共创血液学未来

作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2024/11/6 15:50:01  浏览量:2522


《肿瘤瞭望-血液时讯》特邀本届EHA大会主席、葡萄牙里斯本光明医院和天主教医学院的创始院长Antonio Almeida教授讨论了大会的主要亮点和重要进展,涵盖了一系列主题,包括突破性的研究、国际合作以及血液学领域未来的挑战。

第29届欧洲血液协会(EHA)年会于2024年6月13日至16日在西班牙马德里盛大召开。此会议为欧洲血液学领域规模最大的国际盛会,每年吸引众多国际知名专家学者参与,共同分享与探讨血液学领域的创新理念、最新科学研究及临床研究成果。在本届会议上,《肿瘤瞭望-血液时讯》特邀本届EHA大会主席、葡萄牙里斯本光明医院和天主教医学院的创始院长Antonio Almeida教授讨论了大会的主要亮点和重要进展,涵盖了一系列主题,包括突破性的研究、国际合作以及血液学领域未来的挑战。

Antonio Almeida教授:今年的大会创下了新纪录,共收到3300多篇摘要,吸引了超过17000人通过线上和线下的方式参加。大会全面覆盖了血液学领域的各个方面,由Brian Huntley教授和项目委员会精心策划,他们邀请了该领域的顶尖专家就众多主题进行深入探讨。得益于所有参与者和投稿者的杰出贡献,大会得以展示临床试验中的突破性成果和最新数据。
Oncology Frontier-Hematology Frontier:As the chairman of this conference,could you introduce the overall arrangement of the conference?What important topics are being discussed,and what considerations influenced the choices of these topics?
Antonio Almeida:This year’s conference is record-breaking,with over 3,300 abstracts submitted and more than 17,000 people attending both virtually and in person.The conference spans the entirety of hematology and was curated by Professor Brian Huntley and the program committee,who selected the experts in the field to present on a wide range of topics.A significant contribution comes from all the members and contributors who submitted their work,resulting in groundbreaking results in clinical trials and new data presented at the conference.

Antonio Almeida教授:我们与姐妹协会建立联系至关重要。通常,联合研讨会聚焦于两大协会共同关心的问题,比如在欧洲骨髓移植协会(EBMT)的联合研讨会上讨论的CAR-T细胞疗法,以及在美国血液学会(ASH)的联合研讨会上探讨的血红蛋白病。这些协作不仅加强了我们在血液领域的紧密联系,也推动了更深层次的合作,其重要性不言而喻。我们将继续推动此类合作,包括与中华血液学会的合作。
Oncology Frontier-Hematology Frontier:You participated in and hosted multiple sections such as the EHA-ASH symposium,EHA-EBMT symposium,global symposium,and the presidential section.Could you talk about the highlights of these sections,especially the significance of organizing multiple joint symposiums to promote the development of global hematology?
Antonio Almeida:It’s particularly important for us to have relationships with our sister societies.The joint symposia usually tackle questions of interest to both societies,such as CAR-T cells in the EBMT joint symposia and hemoglobinopathies in the ASH joint symposia.These collaborations allow us to bond closer scientific ties and foster closer collaborations.They are very important,and we will continue to organize them,including with the Chinese National Society.


Antonio Almeida教授:中国学者对全球血液领域的贡献巨大,不仅限于本次大会。中国学者的研究成果丰硕,不断推出创新药物和治疗策略。我们应当持续加强合作,共享知识,以造福中国乃至全球的患者。
Oncology Frontier-Hematology Frontier:In recent years,more and more Chinese scholars have come to EHA sites to share their research findings.This year,24 studies were selected for oral presentations,and hundreds of studies were selected for display in wall posters.How do you view the performance of Chinese scholars at EHA,and what are your expectations for the development of the field of hematology in China?
Antonio Almeida:Chinese scientific hematology has made a huge contribution to science worldwide,not just at this Congress.There has been enormous scientific production and great results,with Chinese scholars always being very innovative in bringing new medicines and strategies to the forefront.It is essential that we continue to collaborate and share knowledge for the benefit of all patients in China and around the world.


Antonio Almeida教授:在血液学领域,乃至整个医学界,我们面临的最大挑战之一是资源分配的不平等。尽管我们已经开发出了大量新型药物和治疗策略,但在全球范围内,并非所有人都能平等地享受这些成果。为了解决这一问题,我们需要采取行动,确保所有人都有平等的机会获得这些医疗资源,以便持续发展、造福患者。
Oncology Frontier-Hematology Frontier:Despite the vigorous development of the global hematology field driven by new technologies and drugs,it still faces some challenges.What major challenges do you think hematology is currently facing,and what should be the future research direction and strategy?
Antonio Almeida:The biggest challenge we face in hematology,as in all medicine,is the inequality of distribution.There is a lack of equality in the distribution of diagnostic tests,medicines,and therapeutic strategies for all patients.We produce a lot of knowledge,new drugs,and diagnostics,but not everyone in the world has access to these advancements.We need to fight to ensure that access is equal for everyone,so we can continue to develop and benefit all our patients.
Antonio Almeida教授的发言突显了EHA大会上所有的重大成就和合作努力。他强调了全球合作在推动血液学领域的进步和应对挑战中的关键作用。新型药物和治疗策略的持续进展对于血液学的未来至关重要。国际学者,尤其是来自中国的学者,对于推动基础研究和临床实践的发展发挥了重要作用。通过共同努力,我们可以确保研究成果能够惠及更广泛的群体,提高医疗资源的质量和可及性,从而改善患者的生活质量。


版面编辑:张靖璇new  责任编辑:无医学编辑



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